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Feels more than ever a time for deep earth body awareness and connections. I'm called back into offering nature-based sessions outdoors again.


For anyone wanting to feel more deeply rooted in the natural world; for stress relief, creative inspiration, personal growth, honouring and prayer.


I work outdoors, in and with the earth, waters, plants and creatures, with guided meditation, bodywork and movement practises, to release tensions, expand body awareness and sensitivities and increase intuitive skills.


The content of sessions varies enormously, it's a kind of magical co-creation, working with whatever is rising the moment. Sessions may include any of all of - guided meditation and movement, hands on bodywork, supporting emotional release, active listening and witnessing, breathwork, simple ritual and ceremony.


Respectfully following whatever is seeking to be expressed, a session may also include more curious elements of the wyrd wide world such as giving offerings to tiny birds, creating a burial ceremony, ritually burning objects or jumping gleefully into a muddy creek and floating along as a starfish.


Weds - Fri in north Norfolk,
at the salt marsh, sea or in the woods.

£70 for an hour, or £125 for two hours.





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